Share your love this festive season with Julie's Biscuits my dear merry goers.
In this season of joy and laughter, let us not forget those who may not be as blessed like you and I. Being one of the first companies to host a Majlis Iftar this Ramadhan, Julie's Biscuits held a dinner at Sime Darby Convention Centre with the dear children from Rumah Anak Yatim Shifa' and Asrama Darul Falah Perkim. This eventful dinner was held in conjunction to the launch of Julie's Biscuit “What’s Your Love Letter” which was to encourage people to recall the nostalgia of writing card to be send to their loved ones.
Sharing our love with the ones around us makes one feel warm-hearted especially seeing all the children having a great time enjoying really good food that night as well as the standup comedian which put them all in laughter.
I am not kidding you when I say good food because surprisingly the food served at Sime Darby Convention Centre that night was not bad with many of the guest taking more than one serving.
It was a meaningful dinner that night and so many of us started to write our greetings and well wishes on the specially designed postcards because Julie's had a specially dedicated postbox for us to help deliver our well wishes.
Let us be honest to one another and tell me how long has it been since you last wrote or even pen your feelings to those you love. Now with modern technology, we depend heavily on social media and other online messenger services to keep in touch but penning down your feelings in writing is always the best way to express your feelings.
If you have been observant, you would have notice special dedicated Julie's mail boxes placed at selected hypermarkets and supermarkets which was set up to deliver your handwritten postcards. These postcards which were specially designed for the festive season was given out for free at selected hypermarkets and supermarkets.
The Julie's "What's Your Love Letter" campaign is actually not a new campaign hosted as they have launched the campaign “What’s Your Love Letter” for every festival in Malaysia. The launch of this campaign holds Julie’s hope that everyone spend some time to write their message and express their gratitude and affection to their loved ones.
Besides the postcards that have been distributed, Julie's Biscuits has another special gift for you. This year’s Aidilfitri, Julie’s have prepared Love Letters 700g that’s comes in chocolate and strawberry flavors. With the purchase of every tin, you will find a exclusive Raya green packet in it and this is no ordinary Raya packet because besides from the usual of putting in money, you can actually jot down some well wishes in the reverse side of the Raya packet before sealing it.
The envelopes are printed in 3 symbolic colours with hinted meaning in it. Yellow packet written “Silaturrahim”, which meant for a lasting friendship; Blue packets written “Keampunan” meant for seeking forgiveness; And Green packets, written “Keberkatan” means blessing, thus to give thanks during this festive. Give this symbolic green packets this Raya full of well wishes to your guest and may their hearts be warmed and days be full of blessings.
For those who were not in time to join this campaign, no worries because Julie's Biscuits have also created three Hari Raya e-postcard which you can download and send to your loved ones. You can also email these e-postcards to your friends and relatives overseas to share the joy of the festive season. Just log on to their Facebook page at and download exclusive e-postcard of your choice. Let us touch the hearts of our loved ones by writing a love letter today.
This is a meaningful event. Support Julie's as always :)